A Good Software Inventory System Simplifies the Complex

A software inventory system helps you manage what surely is one of the most complex tasks of any business. There are so many moving parts to track when you’re talking about inventory. This kind of function demands a real-time solution, because it’s imperative for everyone to be in the loop about current stock levels. Your inventory impacts not just your profits, but also your taxes. When you have accurate, real-time information on hand, you can eliminate guesswork, cut waste and make more informed decisions.

Without a powerful software inventory system, it’s not difficult to imagine the opportunities for costly errors in your inventory management process. For example, when you receive inventory, do you have a means of easily checking your purchase order to ensure that you’re receiving the quantity you requested? Do you have an accurate, yet simplified means of transferring your stock to multiple locations, and determining the needs of each of those locations? When you take an order from a customer, can you immediately check stock levels to verify stock? Can you check the status of orders to determine which ones still need to be shipped? Can you run reports that summarize the day’s sales and allow to determine when you need to replenish stock? Are you able to determine appreciation/depreciation values with accuracy? Or access vital data like an item’s length of use, condition state and maintenance history? There’s simply no way to do all of this accurately with a manual spreadsheet.

Complexity of the task aside, when you’re dealing with manual spreadsheets, errors are inevitable. Whether or not someone enters a typo – and it’s more than likely to happen because we’re human, after all – tracking a moving target is a job best left to technology and automation.

To maximize your success, you need a software inventory system that makes your job as simple as possible. That’s the philosophy behind Asset Panda. Our mobile platform is the most powerful in the world, and yet incredibly easy to use. It’s accessible via free mobile iOS and Android apps that sync with the cloud and include a mobile barcode scanner, which effectively eliminates the need for any additional hardware. All you need to use Asset Panda are mobile devices you and your employees already carry – or use the web app, if you prefer.

Given that the app syncs with the cloud, that means that your data is served up in real time anytime you need it, whether it’s 4 p.m. or 4 a.m. You’re entitled to an unlimited number of users at no additional cost, so you can loop in every single one of your stakeholders in the inventory lifecycle. When everyone’s involved in the conversation, accountability and accuracy increase throughout your entire organization. Asset Panda empowers you to track your inventory any way you want. Features are customizable; for example, the dashboard, columns and fields, security settings, notifications, alerts, reports and more. In the palm of your hand, you can quickly pull up an item’s value, check-in/check-out status, insurance policy information, condition and maintenance history. This tool is intuitive and easy to use; your employees won’t need special training to master it. Integration with legacy systems is easy. Best of all, you can rest assured knowing that you’re cutting redundancy, loss and theft and making critical financial decisions based on accurate, timely data.

Here's a brief demo that shows just how easy it is to add new assets to Asset Panda's mobile app:

Some of the world’s biggest brands trust Asset Panda’s software inventory system to help them manage their most critical business function. Find out why – try Asset Panda free for 14 days. To learn more or to get started, visit assetpanda.com


Courtney Roush

Courtney Roush is a freelance writer, editor, and communications strategist with 25 years of experience. Her favorite discipline is crisis communications – and it’s a highly relevant one in our present times.

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