Mobile Enterprise Service Desk


Mobile enterprise service desk by Asset Panda is a game changer. Picture this your client/user needs help with equipment.  All they do is open the app scan the barcode.  Presto!  All the details about the equipment is immediately available.  They then select an action.  Request repair. Broken.  Whatever actions you choose.  Then your help desk gets a ticket and corresponds via the app.  Everyone is in the loop.  Before Asset Panda they only way for you clients to get a hold of you was to call or email.  That is just the beginning.  Now they have to give you all the details of what they are calling about.  Oftentimes, your customers don't know the details you need in order to help them.  This leads to even more frustrating calls. With Asset Panda they just scan the barcode or QR code and all the information is available.  The client then selects the appropriate action.  Request repair for example.  Then all the responsible parties are notified.  Quick and easy.  Start a trial today!


Rex Kurzius

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