PC Asset Tracking Protects Your Biggest Investment

Your IT equipment is likely to be the single-biggest investment you make for your organization, which makes accurate, reliable and timely PC asset tracking so important. Those PCs may be contained within a single building or distributed throughout a global organization comprised of numerous subsidiaries. Either way, each of those PC assets is attached to unique data including their respective barcodes, insurance policies, lease/purchase information, warranties, depreciation, maintenance schedules, locations, check-in/check-out statuses, and so much more. Those data change on a frequent basis. For accounting and compliance purposes – not to mention the efficient operation of your business – you need a means to track that data.

It’s not difficult to understand the ramifications associated with the failure to keep up with PC asset tracking. PCs require routine maintenance – something that easily can fall by the wayside when you’ve got a lot of urgent matters to attend to. Those PCs can continue to grind along for quite a while. Some may break down, while others may merely run more slowly. When PCs break down, naturally your production comes to a halt while you scramble to find another PC. When they run more slowly, you’re probably losing hours of productivity without realizing it. Compound those lost hours as the weeks continue, and, well, time is money, right?

One of your first priorities, then, should be to create a list of your IT assets. If you choose to do that manually, you’re likely going to find yourself running into errors, gaps and assorted mistakes and frustrations. It’s impossible to discount the human factor when you’re using manual processes for PC asset tracking. Keying in barcode numbers is monotonous and time-consuming. A typo here, an oversight there, and your records can be thrown off track. The result of those mistakes is often wasted time as employees try to track down missing assets, guesswork come tax time, and costly fees and penalties for non-compliance. Your IT assets are just too valuable to leave to chance. The complexities of PC asset tracking demand a solution that allows you to scan a barcode and trust that your asset data is both accurate and in real time.

Your best bet is to find an easy-to-use, yet flexible and powerful PC asset tracking platform that lets you track your assets any way you want. If you’re responsible for any aspect of IT, it’s likely that you don’t spend much time in an office. You’re probably always on the go. For that reason, then, you’ll want to find yourself a mobile PC asset tracking platform – one that provides anytime (and real-time) access to your vital data.

Particularly if you’ve got IT assets spread throughout multiple locations, you’ll want a solution that provides a centralized database for all of your asset data – everything from their exact locations and conditions to their value, their maintenance histories and schedules. Some PC asset tracking platforms give you the ability to schedule custom notifications and alerts, so you never miss routine maintenance, and enable you to create work orders.

Asset Panda offers the most powerful PC asset tracking platform in the world. Our free mobile iOS and Android apps sync with the cloud, include completely customizable features, and are designed as an accessible, intuitive gateway to all of your data. With Asset Panda, everything you need to manage the entire lifecycle of your PCs and other IT equipment is as near as the smartphones and tablets you already carry.


To learn more, or to begin your free 14-day trial, visit assetpanda.com.


Courtney Roush

Courtney Roush is a freelance writer, editor, and communications strategist with 25 years of experience. Her favorite discipline is crisis communications – and it’s a highly relevant one in our present times.

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