Why Pick Asset Panda to Manage Inventory, Track Assets and Save Money

Running a business is no simple task. There are all sorts of demands on not just the owner, but on all employees. Internal demands. Financial demands. Time demands. Customer demands. The thought of having a program that can manage inventory, track assets and save time and money isn’t top of mind when everyone else needs something. But when you find the perfect tracking tool, it can be a complete game-changer company-wide.

Asset Panda is one of the best asset and inventory management tools on the market today.  Businesses have a unique set of issues to deal with when it comes to managing inventory and tracking valuable assets. Just like employees, assets and inventory are constantly on the go. Employees must know where their equipment is, what condition it’s in, who has it and whether it’s in good working condition. Asset Panda does all that, and more.

Businesses have different needs to manage inventory, track assets, and plan for audits and budgets. With Asset Panda as their platform of choice, companies have realized an amazing number of benefits thanks to a wide-range of features:
  • Significant time savings
  • No more lost items – look up these components and find their locations immediately
  • Eliminate guesswork from repair and replacement decision-making
  • Reduced taxes
  • Savings on property insurance
  • Reduced asset losses
  • Fast audits
  • More accurate reporting
  • Know what you own
  • Know where your assets are/how much inventory you have
  • Know who has what
  • Know what condition assets/inventory are in
  • Store all information related to an asset/inventory in one location
  • Save time and money

Given today’s complex and competitive business environment, it’s important that any new software you introduce to your organization be intuitive and simple to use. Asset Panda is a great fit to manage inventory, track assets, and our users think so too!

Here’s what our integrations specialist had to say about our client Recollections,  about how the software streamlined the workflow process through custom actions and eliminated the human error aspect that came with the antiquated way she was tracking her manufacturing process:



From non-profits to major international corporations, Asset Panda users are seeing real results after implementing the platform. Here are just a few sound bytes from real Asset Panda users (and be sure to check out our testimonials page for even more great feedback):
“In terms of cost savings, over the past year we’ve been using Asset Panda, we have seen a decrease in the purchase of duplicate items. Now we know exactly what we have and are able to make informed decisions when it comes to purchases.”

“The addition of Asset Panda and its suite of asset management and tracking tools have allowed us to condense down several separate databases into one system giving us a full view of our inventory and improving accountability.”

“With Asset Panda we can see the full maintenance history on each piece of equipment and we are able to ensure that everything is up to date and in working order for use at any time. There is no guessing where equipment is anymore and we can search for specific pieces much more easily than ever before rather than scrolling down an excel document.”

Simply stated, Asset Panda works the way you do. Whether online or through our Mobile App, our intuitive interface makes it easy to work from anywhere, on devices you’re already using. That means everyone in your organization has quick and easy on-demand access to everything they need to know about your assets.

With unlimited fields and reconfigurability, Asset Panda can change as your needs change so that it’s always the perfect platform to meet goals or solve problems—for any number of assets, any sized company in any industry. Quickly integrate with legacy systems. Seamlessly import data from existing spreadsheets. Create customizable reports for relevant, contextual insights.

There’s no hardware required -- Asset Panda makes it very easy to use your existing smartphones and tablets so you don’t have to purchase additional hardware. Flexible and customized automated reporting allows users to easily generate the data they need quickly, keeping all stakeholders in the loop and accountable. And the built-in barcode scanner helps users quickly locate a specific item by searching assets already logged into Asset Panda.

So ditch the old way you used to manage inventory, track assets and run your business. Asset Panda has raised the bar when it comes to asset and inventory tracking. Our mission is to empower organizations and the companies they serve to track their vital assets exactly how they want. To learn more, visit www.assetpanda.com today and take advantage of a free 14-day trial.


Audra London

Audra London, founder of Conceptual Communications, LLC, has over 10 years of writing, public relations and marketing experience and serves as an expert on press releases, media relations, feature writing, web content and marketing copy.

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