How to Incorporate Project Management into Your Asset Tracking Process

Asset usage doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Your employees utilize assets as part of the project management practices that keep your company going. Depending on the size of your organization, you might have detailed processes in place, or you might do things on the fly.

Even if you are a small business, having project management processes will only serve to benefit your bottom line. Smaller businesses may not have the ability to bring on a project manager, but they can still institute work processes to improve productivity and build automation into existing practices.

Why is Project Management Important?

Proper project management sets up expectations. When you have documented requirements, deadlines, and relevant assets, you help your employees understand exactly what they need to accomplish. That way, everyone is on the same page and there’s no confusion about what needs to happen.

Implementing project management practices also helps everyone in your company get aligned on work goals. You can view individual projects and see how it contributes to the bigger picture.

Creating management processes also provides direction to you and your employees. Imagine riding a bicycle without handlebars to change direction. If all you need to do is go in a straight line, then great! But if you need to go anywhere else, you’re out of luck. Project management puts handlebars on the bicycle that represents your employees’ hard work. It helps take the effort of the work to propel your business to your intended destination.

Ways Project Clarity Improves Your Business

On paper, business clarity seems like such a simple thing. Yet it’s crucial to successfully run your business. If you and your employees aren’t working towards the same goals, you’re wasting efforts and providing subpar customer service.

When your company is aligned, it’s easy to identify potential risks. When you are aware of the worst-case scenario ahead of time, you can prepare for potential catastrophes. That way should the worst happen, it won’t catch you off guard.

Project clarity also helps you identify what assets your business needs to serve your customers, and which ones are costing more than they’re worth. When you have an exact picture of what needs to happen, you can better identify the assets needed to accomplish those tasks. You won’t have to run around wasting time trying to figure it out.

How to Integrate Project Management with Asset Tracking

You can view asset tracking as a factor of project management. Managers will need to assign assets to their respective projects and let employees know how and where they can access assets.

Once you’ve got a project set up, along with assigning details like deadlines and tasks, you can include information on relevant assets. If you don’t have asset information stored within your project management platform, provide links to where they can access it. That way, they won’t have to go searching for asset information when they have other things to do.

With the right asset tracking platform, you can create projects in the software program and then assign assets already stored in the database. No more switching between platforms to try to find asset information when you need to get moving on a task right away.

Asset Panda’s holistic business approach means you can host your project management and asset tracking solutions all in one place.

Want to see some examples of how you can keep it all together? Take a free guided tour today!

Bree Brouwer

Bree has held plenty of media- and marketing-related jobs over the years now, like working as a PR and marketing assistant to a Hollywood screenwriting coach, and writing content for three different digital marketing agencies.

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